Library and Technology

At St. Bernard Academy, we are committed to preparing students to be lifelong learners and readers and effective users of information and ideas.

Through our state-of-the-art library and technology department, our students are highly prepared with life skills after they graduate.


The library at St. Bernard Academy is available to meet the information needs of all students, faculty, and staff members. Students in first through eighth levels may check out books for personal reading and research. Faculty members use the library to assist in developing and complementing their curriculum.

Students are taught information literacy skills, including using the online catalog and online subscription databases. The computer lab with 16 PCs is part of the library and provides students during open times the opportunity to do research and work on assignments. A dedicated laptop is available for self-checkout. The library's collection contains more than 19,000 pieces of media including books, DVDs, and reference works.

The SBA librarian and parent volunteers run a Book Fair once a year. The proceeds from the book fairs are used to enhance the library and classroom collections. The Accelerated Reading program is managed by the librarian and is an integral part of a student’s reading class.


At SBA, the use of technology is no longer only in the computer lab or computer class. We integrate many forms of technology to assist teachers in the classroom and parents and students at home. All the classrooms are equipped with SmartBoards, as well as teacher and student computers. 

We use a web-based program to post grades, assignments, lesson plans, school bulletins, calendars, attendance, and lunch accounts. This program is used by parents, students, administration, and teachers to facilitate communication and streamline planning. Math and reading teachers use Accelerated Math and Accelerated Reading to enhance their curricula. Both programs are accessible from home and school. Many teachers provide lessons, links, and study guides from their own web pages, with some allowing homework to be turned in electronically. Students in Junior Kindergarten through 4th Level are scheduled for computer classes in the lab where they learn how to use a variety of programs and projects to enhance their knowledge and confidence as it relates to technology.

At SBA, we have an open technology policy meaning that students are allowed to bring their own devices from home to use in school for academic purposes. Devices such as Kindles, iPads, and laptops may be registered with the school to ensure we have record of ownership and that all wifi enabled devices are routed to our secure network. There are Surfaces and Chromebooks available for teachers to checkout and use in the classroom. Students may not use cellular devices during the school day. All phones must be turned into the student's homeroom teacher each morning.