At St. Bernard Academy, we are an independent Catholic, inclusive community that aims to inspire confidence in students in PreK3 through 8th Level.
Our academic environment challenges students to reach their highest potential and enables faculty to provide the guidance and support necessary to achieve excellence in all areas. We believe in nurturing the whole child and realize that the learning process is more than just academics. Our programs in athletics, fine arts, and service are all an integral part of school life and foster the full development of each child.
With the quality foundation of an SBA experience, our students are prepared academically, emotionally, and spiritually for their next level of education and will thrive in whatever path they choose, joining a community of lifelong learners who exemplify the values essential for success.
The SBA community seeks to build on the rich tradition of hospitality and kindness set forth by the Sisters of Mercy. The statement below captures the foundation of SBA since our school's founding in 1866.
Statement of Belonging and Hospitality
As an academic institution founded by the Sisters of Mercy and rooted in the Catholic faith, St. Bernard Academy affirms the inherent dignity and worth of all people. True to our mission and Mercy values, guided by the Gospel and love of the Lord, we cultivate inclusivity and foster diversity that supports human well-being. We denounce all acts of discrimination and seek to build an equitable environment where all can thrive and experience belonging. SBA encourages our school community to be advocates for justice, to break barriers and build relationships, to demonstrate empathy and compassion, and to develop an enduring curiosity about and commitment to the surrounding world. Strengthened by faith, we are empowered to take Mercy into our interconnected world and actively serve the needs of others with a spirit of hospitality.